
Saffron Media Pvt. Ltd. is an independent media company Headquarter in Mumbai and Branches across INDIA. Focused primarily on print and online communications. They recently shifted their infrastructure to Enjay Tiguin OS. Their office having more than 10  users in Mumbai has migrated to Enjay Tiguin OS.

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Setup Details

They have installed one Enjay Tiguin Application Server, which hosts Tally + Kingsoft Office + email Client + browsers. Users are using Various models of Enjay Thin Clients and desktops to connect to this server using RDP protocol. This gives them good speed.

Client Speak

Mr. Praveen Bisen, who is Technical Support Screen Shot 2014-07-31 at 11.42.26 amHead in Saffron Media, said “Initially, we were using mixture of windows  desktops + ubuntu file server, which now we have changed to one Tiguin Application server acting like a Terminal Server and Enjay Thin Client devices and cards using Enjay Tornado OS.” Regarding the main benefit Mr. Bisen added “Cost reduction, maintanace easy, backup easy, efficency improve, machine independent. Apart from that we also saved huge money in Licensing”

Challenges Faced

Mr. Praveen added “Basic teething problems with User adoption were faced like connecting to network drives etc, which were then sorted out by Enjay’s Support Team”

he can be contacted at praveen[at]saffronmedia.in


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